Week 22A ~ Into the Silence…

Last week, I talked about standing on the edge of the abyss with a decision of

1)      Step forward to slay the dragon and find your true self or

2)      Retreat and revert back to the old blue print.

I have ventured forward into the abyss but my true self can only be found in silence.


We live in a world with constant distractions such as smart phones, email, TV, radio, newspapers, co-workers, friends & family. Its extreme difficult to find that silence, when there is so much “noise” around you.

Fs1Over the past week, I was able to find my “fortress of solitude” and have various pockets of silence. Unplugging myself from the world and focus on my thoughts was simply awesome, words can’t describe the feeling and clarity of thoughts.

Although I have feel good with what I have done but I feel I can uncover so much more by committing to longer period of silence.

It’s time to return to the silence…


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