Week 5 – Transformation Begins..

This week has been especially intense from the regular readings and blog posts to creating a “Press Release”, switching to Scroll 2 on Friday, in addition to our regular lives. I almost forgot, the exercise for this week is not to give opinions, red-sirentalk about challenging,  I didn’t realize I was so opinionated, LOL. As you can imagine the emotions that I was going thru, worry, panic, where am I going to find this time, which is ironic these are the very things I am trying to eliminate for my life.

stop_lightAfter this initial shock, I got a grip on the mind and emotions stayed faithful with the daily routine, I knew that this was going to be a breeze, but I still had my moments of doubt. Initially I thought how am I going to write this “press release” a story of my dharma already unfolded but as I started to type it and with “DO IT NOW” resonating in my head the words just flowed out me effortlessly, simply amazing when I reflect back on it.

Things are being to “FLOW”, which makes competing these tasks seemingly effortless. I am beginning to think Mark knows what he is talking about it, last week during our “sit” or meditation Haanel asks us to eliminate these negatives thoughts.


“This week, after taking your usual position, remove all tension by completely relaxing, then mentally let go of all adverse conditions, such as hatred, anger, worry, jealousy, envy, sorrow, trouble or disappointment of any kind.”

“…You will not succeed the first time you try, but practice makes perfect, in this as in everything else, and you must succeed in dismissing, eliminating and completely destroying these negative and destructive thoughts; because they are the seed which is constantly germinating into discordant conditions of every conceivable kind and description.”

all_in_buttonI am absolutely stunned by being “ALL IN” that new habits are starting to take shape and old ones are being dismissed. By being the “OBSERVER”, I am able to catch my thoughts and be the gate keeper of what thoughts enter my mind, now how cool is that!!

I know it’s only week 5 but I am absolutely blow away by the changes so far. I’m eager and excited of what’s to come!!

5 thoughts on “Week 5 – Transformation Begins..”

  1. Great post. I agree, letting go of opinions is difficult and the meditation helps to be conscious of the thoughts. Keep up the great work.

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